


I’ve utilized Workaway on almost all of my big trips not only because I’m broke AF, but because it also helps reduce my anxiety.
Workaway is a website where you can connect with people abroad who will host you in exchange for your labor. Your host will provide you with housing and sometimes meals. The types of jobs vary; I’ve done everything from working on a fruit farm (pictured above) to a reception at a hotel.

I started doing Workaways to reduce the expenses of traveling, but I soon discovered that having someone awaiting you at your destination is a great perk for those of us with anxiety, as it puts us at ease upon arrival. I am fortunate to have had hosts who have welcomed me with open arms and immediately made me feel at home.

No Shame in Routine

Another thing that helps with my travel anxiety is establishing a moderate routine. Workaway supplies this by providing you a few hours of work five days a week. It is just enough to establish a feeling of familiarity, but not enough to tie you down to a nine to five, and still allows plenty of time for adventure. I am not an individual who normally requires regiment. In fact, one of the reasons I enjoy traveling is due to the disdain I feel for the routine of my home life. However, with new experiences approaching from all angles while I’m abroad, it is helpful to have a day-to-day constant that I can count on.


Friendship and Cultural Exchange

My favorite Workaways have been those in which I’m working alongside other volunteers. If you are looking to make friends, focus on finding Workaways that already have an established community and/or more than one available volunteer slot. I have met some of my best friends while volunteering, and working with other people makes for a much more enjoyable experience. These are people you can also spend time with on your days off so while you are technically a solo traveler, you are never really unaccompanied. Having someone beside you while navigating a new country can really ease anxiety.


“A friend may be waiting behind a stranger’s face.” – Maya Angelou


Cultural exchange is also something to look for when applying to Workaways. One of the greatest cultural experiences I had was working for a Thai artist at his gallery and farm. I spent a week with him and his wife experiencing genuine Thai culture. Every meal consisted of homemade, traditional Thai food and was enjoyed during engaging, educational conversation. I learned about things ranging from Buddhism to what Thai people do for fun, like karaoke!


If going to work for a stranger causes you stress, rest assured it is safe and monitored! You can easily access the host’s reviews at the bottom of their profile and read about other people’s experiences. As another precaution, I like to message other travelers who have left reviews to see if there is anything I should know that they may not have posted publicly. However, there is really nothing to worry about. In my experience, Workaway has been a tool that eases my anxiety but if it is causing yours, then there are plenty of other paths to take on your journey.   




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Kaitlyn Rode

Travel Blogger

I’m a solo female traveler, learning how my clinical anxiety can coexist with my adventurous soul.

Kaitlyn Rode

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